David Kantor

David Kantor has been a reader of The Urantia Book since 1966 and involved with readership activities since 1972. Currently retired from a career of technical programming in digital graphics, he manages Urantia Book Films, an outreach project of Rocky Mountain Spiritual Fellowship. From his first multi-media presentation at a Urantia conference in the mid 1970s, to the development of the first significant Urantia Book presence on the Internet, to his first feature-length film in 2014, Re-Imagining Jesus, David has been involved in exploiting media within the reader community to dramatize the values of the revelation, foster community development, and expose the revelation to prospective new readers.

Re-Imagining Jesus is being followed by a feature-length introduction to The Urantia Book, now in post-production. David comments, “This is really the first introduction to The Urantia Book I know of which is more than just a book report. It provides an overview of the cultural and religious repercussions of the fourth epochal revelation and provides compelling reasons why the fifth epochal revelation is essential for illuminating critical meanings and values of the bestowal needed to guide a deteriorating Christendom through the present crisis of civilization.”

David believes that The Urantia Book provides a significant foundation for advancing a philosophy of filmmaking oriented to helping facilitate spiritual insight and experience in the minds of viewers. He comments that, “In the minds of film producers attempting to create filmic links to spiritual experience there remains considerable confusion as to just what constitutes spirituality. The Urantia Book provides an ontology that resolves this dilemma. This puts us a step closer to effectively exploiting film for spiritual purposes. What an exciting new arena for artistic study and exploration: seeking to exploit technology, the findings of neuroscience, and an epochal revelation to stimulating a rich experience of the presence of the Spirit–as well as catalyzing auto-revelation!”

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As a result of finding The Urantia Book I was so grateful, so overwhelmed, my only motivation was to try and discover the spirit intelligence responsible for the revelation and figure out how I might serve its purposes. 48:7.23 became a guiding quote for me: “The high mission of any art is, by its illusions, to foreshadow a higher universe reality, to crystallize the emotions of time into the thought of eternity.” The goal of my film work is to try and create an environment in the mind of the viewer in which the Spirit of Truth might be more easily able to work.

Videos from David Kantor

David Kantor
Denver, Colorado